July 21, 2024

Washington State's Department of Ecology has given what appears to be its final word on relinquishment of water rights at Eightmile Lake.

June 23, 2024

Washington State's Department of Ecology has completed its EIS process and chosen a replacement dam that would raise Eightmile Lake, according to Ecology's figures, by four feet.

April 7, 2024

An irrigation district is moving its diversion point downstream to improve streamflow in the lower Icicle.

December 21, 2023

The City of Leavenworth and the Washington State Department of Ecology have settled their eleven-year-old lawsuit.

July 23, 2023

The decision not to make water from Eightmile Lake available to Leavenworth appears to mean more than what the Dept. of Ecology has said.

June 10, 2023 

The "cart-before-horse" approach to designing a dam before knowing how much water it can hold has drawn broad criticism.

April 20, 2023

Comment period runs through June 5.

April 12, 2023

The Eightmile Lake EIS is coming!

December 7, 2022

The draft EIS on a new Eightmile Lake dam is still not out.

February 22, 2022

How will the Department of Ecology resolve the relinquishment issue at Eightmile Lake in view of its own conflict of interest?