Similar goals – separate groups

February 9, 2019

The Alpine Lakes Foundation stresses, in response to concerns about possible name confusion, that it is a separate organization from Alpine Lakes Protection Society.

Alpine Lakes Protection Society, widely known as ALPS, played a major role in the federal legislation creating the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, and has been a leading advocate for the Alpine Lakes area for many years. See ALPS recently celebrated its 50th anniversary.

The mission of the Alpine Lakes Foundation, which turned 25 last year, is public education through various means and "to aid and support . . . preservation and stewardship" of the Alpine Lakes region.

William Beyers, president of the Alpine Lakes Foundation, explains that the Foundation is registered as a charitable organization under federal tax laws. "We have helped fund ALPS projects in the past, and would do so again under the right circumstances. But we also are looking to partner with others on programs or projects in the Alpine Lakes area. Where we see a need, we will even undertake projects on our own, as we’ve done with the Icicle Network website."